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The Processor is Wildfire's powerful image-processing engine which acts
as a PlugIn between the Converter's input and output.
If you have understood the basic  concept  of this architecture
it's easy for you to create almost any complicated or simple effect.



Add              open the  Operators-Window  to append an operator to the list
Kill             kill the selected item
Duplicate        duplicate the selected item
Import           import one or more items from a previously saved Process-file
Edit             open the Options-Window of the selected Operator
Up               move the selected item up
Down             move the selected item down
Visible/Hidden   toggle if the current item remains visible if folding is
Enabled/Disabled disable/enable the current item
Folding          toggle list-folding on/off
Range            the frame-range of the current Operator:
                  from: first frame
                  to  : last frame
                  step: positive value:
                         turn on the operator at each <step>th frame
                        negative value:
                         turn off the operator at each <0-step>th frame

Folding is very nice feature while creating very complex scripts.
If a particular scene works you should hide it to work on the next one.
A comment describing the hidden scene and the frame-range
should be left visible.


Mode           color-mode for rendered images
Dither         dithering-method used rendering images
Depth          depth of rendered images
CSkip          number of colors not used rendering images, this may
               be useful for creating Workbench-backdrops
Scale           Process-Scale-Value   
BGRed,         background-color specifying the "black color" for
BGGreen,       the numerous image-deforming effects
Smooth         global intensity of smoothing for various operators
Single Image   open the  SinglePicture-Window  to process single images
Variables      open the  Variables-Window      to edit time-dependant animation-paramters
Savers         open the  Savers-Window         to select the Saver used while writing TrueColor-images
Palette        open the  Palette-Window        to create a locked Palette
Calculator     open the  Calculator-Window    
File           filename used for loading/saving of Process-scripts
Load           load a previously saved Process-file
Save           save the Process-script, all Variables and the Palette
               as Process-file
Clear          clear the Process-script, all Variables keep unchanged

Additional ShortCuts:

<del>            delete the selected list-item
<space>          Test Process of the  SinglePicture-Window 
<v>              toggle  Preview  on/off
<up>,<down>      browse through the Process-list
<left>           unfold item (if folding=off)
<left>           unfold whole list after safety-requester (if folding=on)
<right>          fold item
<n>              enable/disable item